The Land Cruiser and LX470 are suffering from no storage area in the back for both on and off road critical gear. We know all you soccer moms out there share your LX with your husband and need space to. Or You are the all time driver of your SUV. We all need to store things in the same place so we know where it is in the time of need. (Critical Gear) !
The Rear area between these 2 vehicles are a bit of differences in the years. One has both downward facing rear handles and one has both outward and downward handles. Look at your SUV (offroader) before ordering.
Customizing Your PSD. We will contact you after you have made your order. We will ask you from there what you want on your PSD. We will stay in contact with you till you give us approval.
Lead times for all colored or custom orders can be found on this link.
Outward handle
Downward handle